Food Truck Insurance Washington State

Food Truck Insurance Washington State — Great Rates, Low Down Payments

If you own a Food Truck, Trailer, or Mobile Concession Stand and you are looking for better options for Food Truck Insurance in Washington State — look no further!

Call the agents of Duncan & Associates Insurance Brokers right now by dialing 1-800-228-8291 Monday thru Friday until 5 PM, or use our online quote request system that you see listed under Online Quote Requests.

For more than 50 years Duncan & Associates Insurance Brokers has cared for the needs of business owners throughout the state and we can help you find the protection you need when you are shopping for Food Truck Insurance in Washington State, Oregon, and California!

We offer Food Truck Business Insurance for well-established companies and new business ventures.

Call right now to speak with one of our licensed agents — 1-800-228-8291 or click the location hyperlink that best reflects the operation area of your food truck, trailer, or concessions stand.

Online Quote Requests — Choose your area below:

Food Truck Insurance Washington State — Types of Coverage You Might Need?

  • Commercial Auto Liability Insurance
  • General Liability
  • Umbrella Insurance
  • Property Insurance
  • Inland Marine
  • Workers Compensation
  • Food Spoilage

What Is Commercial Auto Insurance and Why Do You Need It?

Commercial Auto Insurance is a type of liability protection that extends protection to your business for Bodily Injury and Property Damage claims that your drivers cause due to their negligence. (at-fault accidents)

Commercial Auto Insurance may also include coverage for Physical Damage to your food truck. In other words, if one of your employees drives your food truck into a tree and your truck is damaged — Physical Damage protection will cover the cost as long as it does not exceed a percentage of the value of the truck.  If the repair cost exceeds the value of the truck — the insurance company will total the vehicle.

Commercial Auto Insurance for your Food Truck is a must have coverage to keep your business operating legally.

Let’s consider a fictitious claims scenario to demonstrate how Commercial Auto Insurance protects your business from both large and small claims.

Example: Featherstone Food Trucks, LLC is owned and operated by Pete Featherstone. Pete’s company has a fleet of 16 food trucks that operate throughout the state and one of his best employees is an eccentric middle age gentleman by the name of Frankie Steel. 

Frankie is driving his designated food truck to a popular summer event that starts Friday afternoon and he needs to arrive early for his set up.

Frankie is a great cook and employee — but he has one little problem Pete has counseled him upon many occasions, Frankie is a text acholic — meaning he’s addicted to his cell phone.  He’s always texting and checking his social media accounts on his phone while working and upon occasion he has been caught texting and driving, even causing an accident! 

Pete has warned Frankie multiple times about texting and driving. Frankie promised he would not use his cell phone anymore while driving. 

As Frankie is approaching the next intersection, he hears that familiar text chime and quickly snatches up his smart phone sitting in the cup holder to see who sent him a text — it is his friend Melissa! 

Then Frankie remembers that he told his boss he would not text and drive anymore.

Fearing for his job, but at the same time not wanting to miss a message. Frankie slows his truck down and comes to a complete stop at the next traffic intersection while the light is green.

Click on Food Truck Insurance Seattle to read our next post to further learn of the events that set the stage for a large auto liability claim against Featherstone Food Trucks, LLC.

What Is General Liability Insurance and Why Do You Need It?

General Liability Insurance is liability protection that extends protection to a company for Bodily Injury and Property Damage claims that the business is legally liable for due to negligent acts of owners or employees.

As in the above example of Frankie Steel let’s consider yet another employee of Featherstone Food Trucks that results in a large General Liability Claim.

Example: Featherstone Food Trucks, employees another individual named Sean Forks.  Sean is a new hire for Pete.  Sean was a cook in the Navy and was discharged due to a work-related accident. He is drawing a disability check from the government at 40% of his previous pay but is able to accomplish his light cooking duties in the food truck he operates. 

Sean, is a so, so worker, not the best, not the worst.  He does the minimum to get by, he’s a bit lazy but he shows up on time and often that is what counts most to Pete, the boss.

Sean is assigned the tech route.  A number of high-tech companies are located in the same area and Sean pulls up to his designated parking spot for food trucks and the workers stream out in shifts, which reminds Sean of his time in the Navy when everyone would line up in formation.

Today looks like it’s going to be busier than usual and Sean calls Pete asking if it is possible for one of the other food trucks to swing by as well because it looks like he’s got a line of people 15 to 20 deep already and he’s all by himself.

Pete tells Sean to hold tight, he’s going to see if he can get Frankie to swing by.

Pete calls Frankie Steel and the call goes straight to voicemail. Pete sends a text message to Frankie and then promptly remembers he told Frankie not to be looking at his telephone.  Pete waits for a few minutes but Frankie doesn’t call back, “maybe he is really listening to me this time!” he thinks out loud.

Pete calls Frankie one more time and again the call goes straight to voicemail. Pete leaves another message asking him to call back ASAP.

Pete calls Sean back and tells him. “Sean, do your best, I’m trying to get another driver out to you but don’t count on it, Friday’s are our busiest day. If I can get a hold of Frankie, I’ll send him right over.”

Sean hangs up and hopes Pete can get Frankie, Frankie is a super-fast worker which is what it looks like he is going to need to be today.

The tech customers begin to surround his food truck like an angry swarm of bees,

and they soon begin to complain out loud because lunch time, as one person he overheard state snippily “it’s only an hour dude”.

Sean is getting frustrated by the second as he serves one person after another.

Click on Food Truck Insurance Spokane Wa to read our next post to learn how Sean himself sets the stage for a large liability claim against Featherstone Food Trucks, LLC.

Food Truck Insurance Washington State — Why You Can Trust Us!

When you need Food Truck Insurance in Washington State you can trust the agents of   Duncan & Associates Insurance Brokers.

No matter if you are just getting started or you are simply looking for better options for Washington State Food Truck Insurance, we can help.

If you find our website during the normal workweek please call 1-800-228-8291 to speak with our agents.

If you find our website after 5 PM or on the weekend please feel free to send us your request for information by picking a link that best corresponds to where your Food Trucks operate. If your area is not listed choose the last link, All Other Areas: