Food Truck Insurance Bellevue Wa

Food Truck Insurance Bellevue Wa — One Size Does Not Fit All in Insurance!

Your typing into your search engine: Food Truck Insurance Bellevue Washington tells us that you are in search of Food Truck insurance, is that correct?

Search no further!  At Duncan & Associates Insurance Brokers, we would love to help you with your Food Truck Insurance needs.

Between the hours of 9am to 5pm, feel free to call us at 1-800-228-8291.  To receive after hour assistance, please choose one of the links shown below that coincides with your area of operation.

Please note our submission system gathers information only and will not provide you an instant quote, but it is the first step in having multiple insurance companies bid on your business, sound good?

Click one of the links below to start the process:

Why Do You Need Customized Assistance?

The right kind and amount of insurance coverage will protect your business from catastrophic claim events. This is the principal reason why insurance is purchased — to protect against BIG claim events that may occur unexpectedly.

But here is the catch — your situation may be a bit different and there may be some variances in coverage you need versus what another Food Truck company needs and for this reason it’s beneficial for you as the owner to discuss vis the phone or in person your business needs.

In addition, it’s also a good idea for you to take time to understand what you need and what you are buying, true?

Because insurance tends to be a bit on the complex side, we like to share fictitious stories and accounts that help individuals learn about insurance.

We have centered our attention on a Mr. Sean Forks.

If you need to refresh your memory about Sean’s adventures so far, please click the links below for part 1 and part 2 respectively:

  1. Food Truck Insurance Washington State
  2. Food Truck Insurance Vancouver Wa

Let’s now consider Part 3 of our Sean Forks insurance scenario.   

Food Truck Insurance Bellevue Wa — Sean Forks Claim Part 3

In our last post, we found Sean completely overwhelmed by the large mob of hungry techies surrounding his truck — Sean called his boss Pete for help, but help would not be coming.

So, Sean improvises to keep all the hungry tech workers on his tech route from turning over his truck in protest for not being fed in a timely fashion.  Listening to a suggestion from one of the workers, Sean allows the people to dish out their own, dollar off discounted chili. 

What could possibly go wrong?  Where do we start?  How about where Sean is grinning ear to ear because his idea for self-serve dollar off chill has the line to his truck sailing without him having to do much of anything (remember he is a bit lazy).

However, we really should start with one of the techies, Macamillion Dollers, a top-notch programmer who makes a large 6 figure income because of his code writing prowess. 

Mac is next in line and looks into the pot and sees that most of the chili is gone. 

Signaling to Sean that the pot is empty gets Sean to go over to the warmer and grab the next pot of hot chili with the pot holders.

The floor of the food truck is greasy as customers in the improvised buffet line spilled just enough chili to make the floors slick. As Sean ambles over to the counter top carrying the big heavy pot his feet slip on the greasy floor and as Sean topples backwards his chili pot and a good amount of the hot chili is flung forward splashing all over Macamillion Dollars and one other patron in line! 

Click on Food Truck Insurance Kent Washington State to read our next post.

Food Truck Insurance Bellevue Wa — Trust Us, We Care and We Can Help!

When shopping for Food Truck Insurance Bellevue Wa. or the surrounding areas Duncan & Associates Insurance Brokers is a name you can trust!

We have fifty years under our belt in providing the insurance for business owners just like you!

To speak with our team, call 1-800-228-8291, or if it is more convenient use our online quote request system by choosing a link below:

  • Food Truck Insurance Vancouver Washington
  • Portland Oregon Food Truck Insurance
  • Vancouver Washington Food Truck Insurance- All Other Areas
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