Food Truck Insurance Seattle Washington

Food Truck Insurance Seattle Washington — Low Rates and Great Service!

If you own a Food Truck and you’re looking for Food Truck Insurance in Seattle Washington you have found the right website!

Duncan and Associates insurance brokers offers very low rates and great service for Food Truck Insurance in Washington State, Oregon, and California!

Call to speak with one of our agents right now.  We offer low rates and great service for our hard-working clients.

Here’s our toll-free number — 1-800-228-8291 and you can reach our license agents up until 5 PM Pacific standard Time.

What if you reach our website after hours or on the weekend?

Please feel free to click on one of the hyperlinks that you see listed below.  Choose the link based on the general service area for your food trucks.  If your area is not listed please choose All Other Areas.

Food Truck Insurance Seattle Washington — Commercial Auto, an Important Coverage to Purchase in Sufficient Amounts

There are a number of different types of commercial insurance that are important for you to purchase to protect your company one in particular, Commercial Auto should be purchased in a sufficient amount to cover unexpected large claims.

Let’s now pick up where we left off on our first post that you can read by clicking on Food Truck Insurance Washington State to learn how Frankie was the cause of a major claim event for Featherstone Food Trucks, LLC.

In our last post we learned that Frankie Steel was one of the best workers of Featherstone Food Trucks, LLC, Pete Featherstone being the owner.

Frankie always shows up on time, is willing to cover extra shifts, and to boot he is a fantastic cook.  The only negative thing Pete has discovered about Frankie is that he is addicted to his telephone.

Frankie is always checking his phone texting and posting social media updates… In fact, Frankie has been caught several times texting and driving.

Pete has warned him that the next time he gets caught texting and driving, he’s going to get fired.  Pete doesn’t want to do this because it’s hard to find good workers and Frankie is his best.

But at the same token he doesn’t want his insurance rates to go up or be involved in a lawsuit because of Frankie’s actions.

Frankie has been dispatched on a Friday to cover one of the summer events that starts in the early afternoon.

Frankie dutifully places his cell phone in the cup holder and as he is driving down the road, he hears that familiar text chime. Frankie simply can’t help himself so he quickly picks up the phone to see who sent him a text message.

It’s his good friend Melissa!  Melissa is always sharing jokes and inspirational messages with Frankie.

Frankie then remembers if he gets caught, he’s going to get fired so as he is coming up on the next intersection he starts to slow down.  The light is green but Frankie wants to stop here to respond to Melissa’s message, so he stops at the intersection while the light remains green and then soon after it is yellow and then red. 

A truck horn lets out a loud blast behind Frankie.

The truck driver right behind Frankie is Al Smith and AL is already late for his scheduled delivery and is very upset because he just got a call from dispatch chewing him out because of it and now he finds himself behind a super slow food truck that is puttering along at least 10 miles an hour below the posted speed limit. 

As the food truck is approaching the next intersection, the light is still green but for some inexplicable reason the driver of the food truck starts to brake as if the light had turned red, yet it was still green.  Since Al is in a Tractor, he clearly sees over the food truck and yes sir that light is not yellow or even red it is green and the food truck comes to a complete stop.

Is the driver having mechanical trouble? Just my luck Al thinks.  Al waits another 8 seconds at the intersection and the driver is not getting out of the truck or moving his vehicle.

Al’s patience has come to an end. Al blows the horn on his truck vigorously.

We will pick up what happens in our next post. Click on Food Truck Insurance Spokane Washington.

Food Truck Insurance Seattle Washington — Call Duncan Today!

If you own a Food Truck and you’re looking for a great rate on Food Truck Insurance in Seattle Washington you have found the right agency!

Duncan & Associates Insurance Brokers is a leading Independent Insurance Agency offering Food Truck Insurance in Washington State, Oregon, and California!

Please call and speak with our agents right now by dialing 1-800-228-8291.

Our agents are available Monday through Friday up until 5 PM PST by phone.

If you find our website after 5 PM or on the weekends there is 1 Additional Way that you can reach out to our licensed agents.

Do you see hyperlinks listed below?  Click on one of the links that best corresponds to your service area, complete a few details on the webpage and one of our team members will get back with you the next business day.

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