Food Truck Insurance Vancouver Wa

Food Truck Insurance Vancouver Wa — Don’t Scrimp on Coverage!

If you typed into the search engines: Food Truck Insurance Vancouver Washington you are likely shopping for Food Truck insurance, correct?

If so, Duncan & Associates Insurance Brokers are here to help you find the coverage you need for your Food Truck Business.

Call right now by dialing 1-800-228-8291.  For after hour assistance, choose one of the following links, based on your area of operation, to request quotes any time:

Your Food Truck Business is surely important to you and needs the best insurance coverage to help keep you in business.

How are you supposed to know the types of coverage to buy and the amount?  Great question!

One of our licensed agents will take time to review the available options for your business and the most important advice we like to share with all who make inquiries about our Washington State Food Truck Insurance Program is to not scrimp on your coverage.

What does that mean, don’t scrimp?   It means that it might not be a good idea to choose the least amount of coverage you can get by with.  While it is true commercial insurance is an expense, it is not one that you should try to economize for the sake of saving a few dollars.

Doing so may lead to great financial hardships down the road.

Let’s consider part 2 of our insurance scenario involving Sean Forks and as our story unfolds you will learn of a BIG mistake Pete Featherstone made on his commercial insurance.

Food Truck Insurance Vancouver Wa — Sean Forks Claim Part 2

If you recall in our previous post, Sean Forks is in a bit of a pickle. His food truck was assigned to the tech route which consists of a number of high-tech companies located in a central area where Sean parks his truck.  However today, literally hundreds of workers descend upon his truck because it’s payday.

Sean, who tends to be a bit lazy is completely overwhelmed so he calls his boss Pete Featherstone asking for backup.

Pete in turn after hanging up the phone with Sean calls his star employee Frankie, but can’t reach him. Pete then remembers that he sternly warned Frankie not to use his phone while driving.

Not a great time for Frankie to listen to his instructions Pete thinks when there is so much money to be made, so he waits a few minutes and tries again and then again until finally he leaves a message on his voice mailbox.

In the meantime, Sean is now really getting concerned!  He knows he can’t handle all these customers during their lunch hour and they are starting to get a bit rowdy.

Pete calls back a few minutes later and tells Sean to do his best. Sean is not sure how he can avoid a panic attack when one of the techie customers presents a helpful suggestion.

“Hey Dude,” a shaggy haired techie known as Dyson, (because he inhales food like a vacuum cleaner) suggests, “why not put the chili pot out on the countertop and we will help ourselves and just leave the cash in the cigar box for those who want chili, how’s that sound?”

Sean thinks to himself as the crowd seems to be growing larger by that second, “Hmmm that sounds like a good idea, maybe I should call Pete and asks for permission before I do that.”

Learn what happens in our next posts titled Food Truck Insurance Bellevue Wa, click on this post right now to continue our storyline.

Food Truck Insurance Vancouver Wa — We are An Agency You Can Trust!

When shopping for Food Truck Insurance in Vancouver Washington or the surrounding areas Duncan & Associates Insurance Brokers is a name you can trust!

For more than 50 years we have served the insurance needs of business owners and we can help you too if you own a Food Truck Business.

Call 1-800-228-8291 to speak with our team or if it is more convenient use our online quote request system by choosing a link below:

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